Saturday, October 2, 2010

Heavy Fines Are on the Menu From the EPA If You Are Not Ready for the RRP Rule!

Yes we are here, less than 48 hours away for the newest date when the Environmental Protection Agency will now be holding all home renovators to the compliance rules for Lead Based Paint Renovations. As most home improvement contractors are aware our world has been turned upside down in reference to Lead Paint. Starting on October 1, 2010 the EPA will now begin doing inspections and will begin with the compliance of all parts of the RRP Rule. If your company in not in compliance it could cost you big. The fines starts in the mid thirty thousand dollar range per offense and these fines go against the individual committing the offense.

In case you are not aware of the RRP Rule this is a brief summary:

On April 22, 2008, The EPA issued a rule requiring the use of lead-safe work practices aimed at preventing lead poisoning in children and adults. On April 22, 2010, the rule became effective and firms performing renovation, repair and painting projects that disturb lead-based paint in homes, child care facilities, and schools built before 1978 must be certified. All individual renovators must be trained by an EPA-accredited training provider, and all firms and renovators must follow specific work practices to prevent lead contamination. However, shortly after the law went into effect the EPA realized that there were not enough trained renovators to fulfill the needs of the individual home owners. When this was realized that asked that all renovators who were trained to continue to use the lead safe work practices. But, there would be no enforcement until October 1, 2010.

This brings us to today where the deadline is now less than 48 hours away. It is very important that as a renovator you are looking more carefully than ever to make sure that you follow the RRP Rule. A few thoughts to ponder about this deadline:

1- If you are not trained it is very important that you become trained. We all know that there will always be some contractors out there who will throw caution to the wind and try to buck the system and ignore this law. By not following the law there may be some short monetary gain but in the big picture the fines are staggering and I would not even want to think what would happen legally if you were responsible for causing lead poisoning to a child. To become a certified renovator, individuals are required to take eight hours of training, of which two hours must be hands-on training, to become certified. This training is good for five years. The cost of this training is set by individual training providers, not by the EPA also, renovation firms must be certified by EPA or by a state authorized by EPA to administer its own program. Firm certification is easy; firms need to send in a two-page application to EPA and pay a fee of $300. The certification is good for five years.

2- The October 1, 2010 deadline is for anyone who has been previously trained. If you have not been trained by this time because of the delay in the system, you will not be fined as long as you have applied to enroll for training or are enrolled for a class by September 30, 2010. Any renovators must have taken the certification classes that were signed up for by December 31, 2010 to avoid these fines for not following the lead safe work practices.

3- By being trained in doing Lead Safe Work Practices you have an advantage over renovators that are not. Because you are trained you will be able to work in any age house. The most recent estimates show that there are over 30 million homes in the United States that have lead based paint in them. This is a large segment of work that you can capitalize on for gaining market share.

4- When talking to potential clients do not go towards the negative sides of the law, always talk positive and explain that this is a protective measure for the safety of children and grandchildren, I don't believe there is one parent or grandparent that would want to bring harm to any child.

In closing may I pass a warning to you and your renovation company to become trained and follow the lead safe work practices. Remember that you have worked very hard to create and maintain your company and ask yourself, Could your company afford a fine in the mid 30 thousand range and would your company survive the fines? In most cases it would most likely not survive.
In order to keep you and your company legal visit: LEADPAINTEPASUPPLIES.COM for all of your RRP supplies including: LeadCheck lead test kits, Hard to find items in one package and your HEPA Vacuum cleaner headquarters that are ready to ship, all items ship within 2 business days by Fedex ground or Fedex home delivery.

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